Thursday 7 February 2013


100x1x8(2 sec eccentric, 1 sec pause at bottom)
Superset with:
Hammer curls 

Core superset 1

Machine preacher curls

Core superset 2

Relatively shorter session, had to rush to ntuc to buy meat for dinner. Slowly getting used to lifting without music. Reps were controlled, no 'rage', so 100% sure i hit bottom for all reps. Downside of not having music (or worse, listening to the radio) while training is that its harder to achieve the same intensity without any external stimulus, and i tend to get distracted by environmental factors. Upside is tonnes more control and focus on technique, breathing, stuff like that. Knee felt weird before session, almost as though it knew i was going to squat and didn't like that, but the sensation went away after the session.

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