Saturday 4 May 2013

4/5/13 Lower Body ME

Shitty grip, shitty form. Shall lower the weight abit the next session and focus on drilling everything in.

Front squat
worked up to 101*1
Then some singles with 81
Really gotta work on racking the weight over my shoulders and keeping the biatch there, keeping my elbows up, all kinds of shit. pretty interesting feel compared to back squat. Like it. Really bout time to start bringing it back.

Back squat
By this time my core and legs were almost dead, so this weight was enough to make me have to work hard.

Leg raises
Superset with:
Behind-neck Jerk
Added in the jerks (haha added in the jerks) as an attempt to see what happens when i try to generate explosive force at the end of a workout. Just an experiment, which is why i stuck with the bar. 

Good session, really REALLY gotta work on the damned grip. Especially since im pulling with my legs outside my grip, making me grip the smooth part of the barbell. Good for preventing callouses, REALLY BAD FOR GRIP. Looking forward to starting on the program Bryan came up with specially for me. :') no homo. Sadly (oh the irony), gotta wait till next next next week (i.e. three weeks from now) since i'll be going on two trips with la familia.

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