Saturday 27 April 2013

27/4/13 lower body DE

First two were okay. For the last one the bar stalled bout 15cm from lockout, had to press it up. Gotta work on the speed of the pull, and also getting under the bar. 

These felt like complete RUBBISH. 

Speed squat(30 sec rest between sets)
These were markedly better, but that was expected, cause they were so damn light. Still, good conditioning work, focused on getting the bar up as fast as possible.

Snatch grip high pulls
(71, 76, 81, 86, 91)*3
Focused on the speed of the bar off the floor.

Core circuit - 3 sets (no rest between sets)
Leg raises - BW*3*12
Hyper-extensions - BW*3*16

Standing Cable Crunch

No idea why the squats felt so shitty today. Can think of a few POSSIBLE reasons, but they all sound like excuses in my head. Wonder if i'm getting weaker. I've been sitting a shitload since the previous training session, so my hip flexors were tight as a virgin. I think i did one too many warm up sets (used 56 for like 3 sets of 12), and even did a set of '1.5s'. By the time I got to 120, already had some lactic acid in my legs, which was pretty stupid. Also, not sure if there's any connection, but since i only take creatine during workouts, i haven't taken creatine for 3 days, so maybe my body was low on that shit. Oh, went low carb yesterday too. K time to get back to squatting 140 for 6 sets of 6 soon. Feel like my squat and bench are slowly deteriorating, while my OH press and deadlifts are improving.

Twain, max and gang are starting on the Cube program this week, really wonder if i should join them or continue on my frankenstein's creation of a program. My last run with low frequency (training each lift once a week) didn't go so well.

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