Monday 8 April 2013

8/4/13 Lower Body High Rep

Really easy, really fast, short rest times.

Holy cow, almost died. Floored me. 

Paused squat (5 sec @ bottom)
As if the five sets weren't enough, added paused squats. Lower back was already pretty fatigued from cleans and squats, so it was a real challenge to maintain posture and shit. 

Core circuit - 3 sets
A) Capt chair leg raise Bw*12
B) Standing cable crunch 40*8
C) Hyper-extensions Bw*20
Low volume for supplementary work today. Hip flexors, abs, and lower back were all pretty much fried from the squatting. 

Good session. Didn't have coffee, forgot to bring BCAAs and creatine cause i left the tupperware on my table (idiot), but cleared what i planned to. Maybe i was running on the hundred mirin' stares. Okay, so it was just a handful, but still.

Have to admit, beginning to be more inclined to training in school than at thomson. It's free, i can drop the weights without the old dude at thomson busting my nuts about "people who complain" (there never are), and most importantly, girls. Oh, and also the shower facilities.

Met another pretty strong dude today. Doing high rep pendlay rows with 90kg without a belt. Commented that my squats were insane. Yes, they were indeed, INSANELY TIRING. Lower back lactic acid of peace.

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