Tuesday 9 April 2013

9/4/13 Vertical Push+Pull

Shoulder warm up circuit - 3 sets
A) Behind neck press Bar*12
B) Delt raise 6*12
C) Low attachment face pulls 40*8
The weight stack of the cable machine in school is MUCH heavier than the one at thomson. I think its more accurate, too. Which is good, can start doing seated cable rows, the machine at thomson was too light.

Overhead press
Superset with:
Pull ups
K gotta admit, the last reps for the last four sets had some faggot knee-jerking action, so not exactly strict. Really pushing it with the volume man (see what i did there. hah hah.)

Behind neck press
Superset with:
Lat pulldown(Plate weighted unilateral machine)
Starting to really love the plate weighted unilateral lat pull machine. Really allows me to squeeze the shit out of my lats at the bottom. 

Rear delt raise
(6, 8, 10)*12
Delt raise
(12, 14, 16, 18)*12
Rear delt raise
Had to cheat to get the 18s up. But whatever, i find that cheating with heavy weights works well for delts. 

Overhead cable tri ext
(20, 25, 30, 25, 20)*10
Superset with:
Wide grip lat pulldowns
(50, 55, 65, 55, 50)*12
Like i said, weight stack of cable machine heavier than the one in thomson. 

Good session overall, feel that i should have rested longer between the pressing sets, so i wouldn't have to do some ghey mini push presses. Though it was more of the fear of failure than actual failure that caused me to cheat on those last reps. Think tomorrow shall be a rest day, next training session is a max effort squat day, and i don't want to ruin it with my lower back not fully recovered from yesterday.

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