Monday 1 April 2013


Happy april fool's everyone.

So, was supposed to be ME legs today, but my parrdner cmi, so i went to check out the school gym, and squeezed in a quick (1 hr) push+pull session

Incline bench

Shoulder press

Above two sets superset with:
all KINDS of pull (srsly)
Pull ups
Lat pulldowns
Unilateral lat pulldowns (Plate weighted)

Rear delt raises
8, 10, 12 x 16

Delt raises

"What, why so weak?!" stfu n00b, my rest time was a joke. Had to fit all of this into an hour cause i reached the gym past 8 and they closed at 9.

"why the weird weights?" well i started the inclines with a twenty and a ten on each side, felt abit light, went to ask the guy in charge, he said the barbells were 17.5. By the time i got to the pressing i was purddy tired, so i just put a plate on.

Gym was nice, not as crowded as i feared. their smith machine moves on TWO PLANES. (i dgaf if you have no idea what i mean). Only gripe is the weird weight of the barbell, but that can easily be solved. No safety pins for the squat rack, just the way i like it. K, gym will be seeing more of me.

I NEED TO SQUAT. feel myself getting weaker...and weaker...

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