Wednesday 24 October 2012

24/10/2012 Log & Thoughts


1)Snatch 3)Squat(Smolov jr) 5)Snatch Grip Dead 7)Leg ext 9)Cable Crunch
Up to 60x5 120x7x6 82.5x(12, 16) (55,60,64)x12 80x8

Superset with: 70x12
6)Ham curls Reverse Hypers 60x20
Up to 80x5 4)Front Squat (45,50,55)x12 bw x (16, 18, 20)

62.5x2x12 Superset with:

Leg Raise 8)Ab Wheel

bw x (12, 14, 16) Bw x 3 x 16

Pretty happy with my 120x12. Focused on squatting as deep as possible for all reps today. feelsgoodman.jpeg. Did abit more for ma non-existent ABS today, cause i'm going to sentosa on sunday trolol.

Gonna start my diet after sunday though. My see food diet. My weight has been stagnant for the past 2 months despite eating what i thought was more, and training my butt off most of my training sessions. 82kg now, aiming to hit 90. This is partially due to my decision to join some friends to participate in next year's HTNS Strongman Challenge. Don't wanna look like a skinny mofo over dere, wit all dem big bois, nomsayin. Might stick to what i'm currently doing though, that is, no/low carbs before a training session, feast like a beast after. Been working pretty well so far.

Anyway, today was a pretty interesting day. Had a stomach ache before i trained, think it was gastric? Who knows. So bad that i almost wanted to go home instead. That shit went away once i started squatting, which once again proves that squats are one of mother nature's cures for almost anything and everything.

Just thought i'd share one of the songs i listen to while training. good chit. Bench day tmr. awwyeah.

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