Saturday 20 October 2012

New training program & split

Tried some strongman shit at AC courtesy of Jarron. Me gusta. If possible, gonna do that once a week.
Monday - Squat
Tuesday - Press day
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - Squat
Friday - Press day
Saturday - FUN IN THE SUN(a.k.a. strongman stuff)
Sunday - Press day + arms (CURLS FOR THE GURLS, NOMSAYIN)

Haven't decided what program to follow for squatting. Most probably going to do Smolov jr. Was contemplating Poliquin's AGVT, since it got me some gains for upper body lifts, but its a short program (PR weight on 6th session) and I wanted something slightly longer term. Was looking at 5 3 1, BUT DAT NIGGA JUST AIN'T GOT ENOUGH VOLUME. The last time i did 5 3 1 boring but big for squat, i got bigger, but not so much stronger. Also, I don't want to lose the psychological edge i got from smolov, squatting heavy (for me) weights frequently. Warm up will consist of some light cleans and snatches, and supplementary exercises on these days will consist of some core work (ab wheel, leg raises, cable crunches, reverse hypers).

Press days. These sessions will alternate between bench days and shoulder press days. Since my goal is to hit a certain weight for 10 sets of 3 reps, I'll be doing Smolov jr for both of them. On tuesdays and fridays the supplementary exercises will correspond to the lift trained, i.e. chest on bench days, shoulders on press days. As before, no dedicated back day or exercise, just ALL KINDS OF ROWS AND PULL UPS in between sets of pressing exercises. I like the vertical push pull/ horizontal push pull system, so i'll most probably do pendlay rows and single side cable rows on bench days, and pull ups and lat pulldowns on shoulder press days. Standard warm up, DEM FACE PULLS N PUSH UPS.  Sunday is my ARMS DAY, so since i'll be pressing quite frequently, no isolated tricep work till sunday.

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