Friday 22 March 2013

22/3/13 PUSH

Warm up circuit - 3 sets
A) Face pulls (low attachment) 50x12
B) Rear delt raises 5x12
C) Press 20(empty bar)x12

Shoulder Press
50x7, 57.5x5, 65x3
55x7, 62.5x5, 70x3
60x7, 67.5x5, 75x3
65x7, 72.5x5, 80x1(followed by push press x 4 reps)
Last cycle was unplanned, all sets leading up to the last one were good, was shooting for 80x3 but only managed one. Oh well. 

Behind neck press
Holy shit these were worse than the presses man. Especially the last few reps. Grind of peace lol.

Rear delt raise
(5, 7.5, 10)x12

Delt raise
(10, 12.5, 15, 17.5)x12
15x16, 12.5x20, 10x30

Rear delt raise
10x16, 7.5x20, 5x30

If its hard to understand what i did, basically i start with 5 and move up the rack. so 5, 7.5, 10 for rear delts. Then i start with 10 and move up for delt raises. so 10, 12.5, 15, and 17.5 for 12 reps. Then when i work my way back down to 10 i increase the reps for every set. Then finally when i hit 10 again i switch back to rear delt raises. So basically i hit the rear delts at the start and end. 

Overhead cable tricep ext
40x16, 14, 12

Pretty satisfying workout as a whole. 

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