Monday 29 July 2013

29/7/13 PUSH

Warm up: Rotator cuff work, face pulls, klokov press (bar)

Push press*
Much more comfortable with this weight than 96. 

Klokov press*
Yay. Progress

Narrow grip bench*

Klokov bradford press
4*10 according to template. Barbell passes over head 10 times per set, i guess that counts.

Delt raises

Cable delt raises

*First three lifts superset with pull ups.

Session felt much more manageable today, largely cause i lowered the weight for the push presses. Might have overworked my right shoulder or some shit though, keeps clicking now. And it feels slightly (ever so slightly) sore. Shall just pop an extra fish oil cap before i sleep. Shit. gotta be an ogl for some shit oweek tmr. WHY DO I HAVE TO SAY OKAY TO THIS KIND OF SHIT. shit.

Sunday 28 July 2013

28/7/13 LEGS

Power clean
Lower back still sore and tight from friday's pull session. didn't really feel it until i started warming up. then BOOM. 

3 sec paused squat
These were made more difficult by my sore lower back. Think my upper back rounded abit on the last rep of the last two sets. Shall have to do something about this, either lower the weights used on the pull day or something. Or hopefully my body will acclimatise and i won't be this sore two days after pull days. 

Front squat
Right knee started feeling a little weird during these. 

Single leg press
(60, 65, 70, 75)*10
Right knee continued to bother me. 

Hamstring curl

After i left the gym, the weird feeling in my right knee went away. Was just a dull ache at the front. Hope its nothing serious. Anyway, sam asked how much i ate in a day, so i think perhaps its a good idea if i keep track of my nutrition (in the crudest sense of the term) on this blog.

4 eggs
1 chicken
large portion of roast pork
4 servings of meat from cai fan stall
2 big bowls of rice
Yogurt with cereal and peanut butter

Yeap that's about it.

Friday 26 July 2013

26/7/13 PULL

Muscle snatch
Hit a pr. Had to press it up alot more than i would've liked though.

According to observers, the first few sets resembled stiff-legged pulls. Which didn't make sense since i was wearing oly lifting shoes. So i started with my hip slightly lower. Bar speed improved after that. 
a deadlift set

Pendlay rows
The bounce was really distracting on these.

Supinated grip rows
My lower back was really struggling on these, since i do these with a less upright posture than on yates rows. 

Inclined pull ups (feet elevated)
Practically rest-pause sets, had to rest after the first 12-16 reps, for about 5 seconds.

Trained at SWF today. pretty good training atmosphere. Guess i have a long way to go to correct my shitz. But i say that with the most positive outlook ever. Looking forward to my next pull day B, or maybe A, i dunno, i just rotate between starting with (muscle snatches & deadlifts) & (snatch grip deads & Pendlay rows), the rest of the stuff i go by feel, while still following the 76543 template.

Thursday 25 July 2013

25/7/13 PUSH

-warning: hysteria alert-

OMG SHIT SCHOOL TERM STARTING SOON NO!!!! NO NO NO NOOOOOOOO! NO. How am i going to continue living if i don't get to train 5 days a week! never mind the gains, i won't be able to function! the gym is my fricking place of solace man! AUGH. ARGH. EUGH. BLEARGH.

-End of rant-

Warm up: Rotator cuff work, face pulls, dips

Paused bench (3 second)
Superset with:
Dead hang pull ups 
These were a good weight. First rep enough speed, last rep enough grind. haha.

Military press 
Superset with:
MORE deadhang pull ups
Funny how after doing so much behind-neck work, these seem less intimidating now haha. 

Incline bench
Whoa these were more challenging than i expected. Had to grind to lock out. But my rest time was all over the place on these, generally too short. Shall try to increase rest time, or decrease weight the next time.

Weighted dips
First time doing weighted dips in months. Nothing much to say here. Adding weight to the awesome ROM that dips provide is pretty sweet though. 

Chest press machine
20(per side)*3*20
Had to rest in between reps for the last set haha. Unfortunately (since my chest is small as fuark), felt these more in my tris than my pecs. 

Thus far, the 76543 shit i'm experimenting with seems pretty solid, hope i get gains from it. If all goes well, will be doing my PULL day at SWF tomorrow. Yay can train topless and flick beads of perspiration EVERYWHERE! Whut.

Wednesday 24 July 2013

24/7/13 LEGZ

Warm up: there was none
No idea why, but i've been able to get comfy squatting without my usual mobility drills n shit. I seriously attribute this to pausing at the bottom of my squats. Of course, i still have to slowly increase the weight, but i seldom feel tightness these days.

Front squat (3 second pause)
I think i was making alot of noise on these, like exhaling very loudly on each rep lol.

Power cleans
Felt these in my delts quite abit. 

Back squat
These killed me. ALMOST. 

Leg press 21s (7 reps bottom half, 7 reps top half, 7 reps full ROM)
80, 90, 100, 110, 120
Lactic acid bonanza. Perfect for hypertrophy.

Seated hamstring curls

Good day, didn't really have time for core work cause i was gassed and wanted to go eat. And some pics, for all you HIPPIE MFs.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

23/7/13 Calisthenics. (for ALL NATURAL KALI MUSCLE BODY, NOMSAYIN?!)

Wide grip pull ups
Superset with:
Narrow grip dips

Narrow grip pull ups
Superset with:
Wide grip dips

Neutral grip pull ups
Superset with:
Delt push ups

Chin ups
Superset with:
Push ups

Yup. fatman's still got it.

Monday 22 July 2013

22/7/13 PULL

Damn nigga. feel so weak.

Snatch grip deadlifts

Pendlay rows

Rows (plate weighted unilateral rowing machine)
35(per side)*5*8

Underhand grip lat pulls

Dumbbell rows

Lat pulls (plate weighted unilateral lat pull machine)

Back hyperextensions
(0, 16, 21, 26, 31)*12

Leg raise

As you can see, followed the 76543 template (sort of), but felt like insufficient volume, so i added some stuff. sooooo damnnnnned weaaaak. especially my lower back. i guess this is what i get for not doing sufficient lower back work for months. time to change that.

Sunday 21 July 2013

21/7/13 Shoulders

Just an update before getting on with the log. 88kg today on empty stomach. Really crossing fingers, perhaps i can hit 90 in a month or so.

Been pretty undecided regarding how to program my training now. Bryan's template sees me doing a 2 on 1 off, 2 on 1 off cycle, the program itself is sound but i'd like something with more training frequency. So i've decided to start on legs push pull. yup, i'm splitting my push and pull up. I guess the reason why my lower body is slightly more developed than my upper body is the inordinate amount of time i spend on them (1 day lower, 1 day upper, push+pull).

As for the exercises, sets, reps, that sort of thing, i decided to do something similar to CT's star complexes, except that i'm starting with the explosive stuff and ending with the high rep stuff. Something like this: 7*3(Power), 6*6(Strength), 5*8(hypertrophy 1), 4*10(hypertrophy 2), 3*20(isolation)
Actual sets/reps may vary depending on situation/mood. Tried it out today with shoulders.

Warm up:
Rotator cuff stuff
Face pulls 30*5*12

Push Press
Superset with:
Pull ups
I'll be splitting up the push and pull, but i still like the feeling of adding some pull ups immediately after push work. The weight i used for the push presses was too much. My wrists were sore, my right shoulder (the troublesome one) felt really weird when the weight came back down, and i locked out, but didnt hold it there cause it would take too much energy and would kill my spine. Shall lower the weight the next time. 

Klokov press
Superset with:
Pull ups
These felt really good. The weight was perfect, just the right amount of this-shit-will-be-the-death-of-me, but minimal grinding.

Narrow grip bench
Hypertrophy set 1, for dem triceps. Also a bid to increase bench frequency, otherwise i'll only be benching once in 8 days :O. Also a very good weight, bit of a grind on the last rep of the last two sets though. 

Klokov Bradford press
This was the good part. The highlight of my training session. My triceps were tired, delts were tired, so i really felt these in my delts. even had some of that lactic acid action. awwww yeaaaahhhhhh.

Delt raises
8*20, 25, 30
The final exercise, isolation work, was supposed to be 3*20, but the weight i chose was too light, so i just increased the reps abit. Sufficient burn.

To sum things up, moving down the strength curve, from explosive to high rep, seems to work pretty well for me (for now at least), so i shall implement it for my PULL day tomorrow.

Friday 19 July 2013

19/7/13 Upper Body

Warm up: Rotator cuff stuff, Face pulls 30*3*16

Incline bench
Superset with:
Pull ups
Kind of a PR on the incline bench. Starting to feel good. 

Klokov bradford press
Superset with:
Lat pulldown (plate weighted unilateral lp machine)
40(per side)*5*10
As previously stated, one rep on these presses has the bar moving over the head twice. So it was more like 10 reps? Really hits the delts. Felt them after the session despite not doing any isolated delt work

Decline dumbbell bench
Superset with:
Pendlay rows
Dem declines strangely made my right shoulder feel weird. Hmm.

Chest press(plate weighted unilateral cp machine)
32.5(per side)*5*10
Superset with:
Machine rows
Felt my rear delts on the rows. Interesting. Guess i must be doing something right? haha

Thursday 18 July 2013

18/7/13 Lower Body

Muscle snatch

Paused front squat(3 sec)

Paused back squat(3 sec)

Single leg press
(40, 45, 50, 55, 60)*12

Leg raise

Three hours after my training session, my quads are cramping so badly. Loving it. Really gotta focus when doing muscle snatches, so many things to remember. Front squats felt really good, starting to get comfy with the clean rack position. Bar speed could have been faster for the back squats, but i guess my quads were already pretty damn shagged from the front squats. Simple training session today, not too many exercises, but effective as hell.

Tuesday 16 July 2013


Warm up: Rotator cuff work, face pulls

Klokov press
Superset with:
Pull ups

Klokov Bradford press
Superset with:
Chin ups

Incline dumbbell bench
Superset with:
Smith machine rows
(60, 62.5, 65, 67.5, 70)*12

Superset with:
Machine rows

Leg raise
Superset with:
Standing cable crunch

Dumbbell curls
Superset with:
Dumbbell pullover

Back from KL yesterday night. Three days of eating junk. Felt so good to be back in the gym, that i didn't feel like stopping haha. 

Friday 12 July 2013

12/7 Push Pull

Incline bench
Superset with:
Pull ups 
Failed the last rep of the seventh set. was shooting for eight sets. another time. 

Decline dumbbell bench
Superset with:
Supinated grip barbell rows

Chest press
(30, 32.5, 35, 32.5, 30)*12
Superset with:
Standing cable row
(30, 32.5, 35, 32.5, 30)*12

Superset with:
Machine row

Thursday 11 July 2013

11/7 Posterior Chain

Snatch grip deads
56*5, 76*4, 96*3, 116*3
126*2, 131*2

Went a little overboard with the warm up volume. Should keep it lower next time. 

Seated Hamstring Curls

Hyper extensions
Lactic acid of peace

Wednesday 10 July 2013

10/7 Core, Delts, Arms

Rotator cuff work

Paused front squat (2 seconds)
(56, 66, 76, 86, 96)*5
BOOYAKASHA. haha my whole body was quivering like mad between the last few reps of the last set. Good stuff.

Face Pulls
I find that the rotator cuff work i've been doing (courtesy of Serious Sam) has really helped my shoulder mobility. My range of motion on face pulls has increased from just doing the rotator cuff stuff for three training sessions. GAINZ.

Overhead rear delt cable flyes
Superset with:
Klokov Bradford press (lolwut)
Before you question this weird frankensteinish amalgamation of names, check this out: (can't seem to add the video to the post. oh well)
This phat bish of an exercise, she's a keeper. My delts were twitching (in a good way) after the workout. haha. p.s: (1xBehind neck press)+(1xOverhead press) constitutes 1 rep

Barbell curl
Superset with:
Cable tricep ext

Leg raise
Superset with:
Standing ab crunch

Tuesday 9 July 2013

8/7 Squat+Bench, 9/7 Push+Pull

3 sec paused squat
(96, 106, 116, 126)*3
131*2, 136*1, 141*1, 143.5*1

Rotator cuff work

Face pulls

2 sec paused bench
Superset with:
Neutral grip Pull ups

Narrow grip bench
Superset with:
Wide grip lat pulldown

Delt raise dropset

Rotator cuff work

Muscle snatch
46*5, 56*3, 66*3, 61*4, 56*5, 51*6
Used the 10kg plates for this, so it was sort of a deficit muscle snatch. Shag.

Shoulder circuit:
Face Pulls - (30, 32.5, 35, 37.5, 40)*12
Behind neck press - 51*(3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
Overhead press - 51*(6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

Standing cable row
(30, 32.5, 35, 37.5, 40)*12
Superset with:
Pull ups
If you don't know what a standing cable row is, check out furiouspete's most recent video of his back workout with rob and dlb. Don't need alot of weight to feel this one. 

Dumbbell incline bench
Superset with:
Smith machine yates row

BW*(16, 14, 14, 14, 14)
Superset with:
Stiff arm lat pulls

Saturday 6 July 2013

2/7 Push+Pull, 3/7 Squat + Bench, 4/7 Push+Pull, 6/7 Lower Body

Ah shucks this is what happens when you're lazy and put off updating your training log :/

Push Press 96*7*3
Superset with:
Pull ups BW*8*7

Seated dumbbell press 30*6*8
Superset with:
Lat pulls (plate weighted unilateral lat pull machine) 40*6*10

Incline bench 73.5*3*8
Superset with:
Supinated grip rows 66*3*12

3 second paused squat (96, 106, 116, 126, 131)*3, (133.5, 136)*2
Crazy shit. Since i'm not looking to compete, and i thus don't need a big number to stroke my ego, gonna be doing solely paused squats from now on. 

1 second paused front squat (56, 66, 76, 86, 96, 101)*6

Face pulls 30*5*12

Bench 106*(6, 5, 4, 3, 3)
Superset with:
Chin ups BW*5*8
Man, my bench is getting shitty again. Could be due to the push presses the previous day. Perhaps i should switch to hypertrophy for awhile.

Chest press machine 30*5*12
Superset with:
Chest supported dumbbell rows (16, 18, 20, 22.5, 25)*12

Face pulls 30*3*12

Shoulder press 66*6*6
Superset with:
Pull ups BW*8*8

Behind neck press 51*5*8
Superset with:
Lat Pulldown (plate weighted uni lat pull machine) 40*5*10

Dips BW*5*15
Superset with:
Pendlay rows 56*5*12

Leg raise BW*3*10
Superset with:
Standing cable crunch

Snatch grip deads (101, 111, 121)*3
Deadlift (121, 131, 141, 151, 161)*5
Superset with:
Face Pulls up to 40*12
Snatch grip pulls make normal deadlifts feel like whut. 

Single leg press (40, 50, 60, 70, 80)*8, 70*10, 60*15, 50*18, 40*20
Superset with:
Neutral grip lat pulls up to 85*12

Dips BW*5*15
Superset with:
Leg raise BW*3*10 & Standing cable crunch 30*3*10

Monday 1 July 2013

30/6 Upper body, 1/7 Arms, core

116*3, 113.5*3
111*4, 108.5*4
106*5, 103.5*6, 101*7
Superset with:
Seated cable rows
Yes it looks retarded. I have no idea what i was doing. I really should start on Bryan's program soon. HAHA. Just wanted to get some volume in.

Incline dumbbell bench
Superset with:
Smith macine supinated rows
(60, 65, 70, 65, 70)*12

Rear delt raise
10*12, 12*12, 14*8, 16*8, 14*10, 10*20

Dumbbell muscle clean & press (three weights done consecutively)
(10, 12, 14)*8
(12, 14, 16)*6
(14, 15, 18)*5
(16, 18, 20)*4
(18, 20, 22.5)*3
Superset with:
Single side rows (plate weighted unilateral rowing machine)
(30, 32.5, 35)*12
The muscle clean and press really tests grip strength. Liked the feel of them. Really should start adding more dumbbell work into shoulder training.

Superset with:
Wide grip lat pulls
(50, 55, 50)*12

Cable lat raise

Snatch grip deadlift
56*6, 76*5, 96*4, 106*3, 116*3
I'd count these as a full body lift. (save for pecs, biceps, whatever) The amount of tension generated is INTENSE. Was perspiring like cray. 

Hammer curls

Incline curls

Barbell curls

Isolation curls
Really like ending off bicep work with these. 

Cable tricep ext

Leg raise
The last few sets were crazy. had to pause and catch my breath between the last few reps. 

Standing cable crunch

So..... I haven't done bicep work in forever. Thought it was about time to do some.