Thursday 25 July 2013

25/7/13 PUSH

-warning: hysteria alert-

OMG SHIT SCHOOL TERM STARTING SOON NO!!!! NO NO NO NOOOOOOOO! NO. How am i going to continue living if i don't get to train 5 days a week! never mind the gains, i won't be able to function! the gym is my fricking place of solace man! AUGH. ARGH. EUGH. BLEARGH.

-End of rant-

Warm up: Rotator cuff work, face pulls, dips

Paused bench (3 second)
Superset with:
Dead hang pull ups 
These were a good weight. First rep enough speed, last rep enough grind. haha.

Military press 
Superset with:
MORE deadhang pull ups
Funny how after doing so much behind-neck work, these seem less intimidating now haha. 

Incline bench
Whoa these were more challenging than i expected. Had to grind to lock out. But my rest time was all over the place on these, generally too short. Shall try to increase rest time, or decrease weight the next time.

Weighted dips
First time doing weighted dips in months. Nothing much to say here. Adding weight to the awesome ROM that dips provide is pretty sweet though. 

Chest press machine
20(per side)*3*20
Had to rest in between reps for the last set haha. Unfortunately (since my chest is small as fuark), felt these more in my tris than my pecs. 

Thus far, the 76543 shit i'm experimenting with seems pretty solid, hope i get gains from it. If all goes well, will be doing my PULL day at SWF tomorrow. Yay can train topless and flick beads of perspiration EVERYWHERE! Whut.

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