Wednesday 24 July 2013

24/7/13 LEGZ

Warm up: there was none
No idea why, but i've been able to get comfy squatting without my usual mobility drills n shit. I seriously attribute this to pausing at the bottom of my squats. Of course, i still have to slowly increase the weight, but i seldom feel tightness these days.

Front squat (3 second pause)
I think i was making alot of noise on these, like exhaling very loudly on each rep lol.

Power cleans
Felt these in my delts quite abit. 

Back squat
These killed me. ALMOST. 

Leg press 21s (7 reps bottom half, 7 reps top half, 7 reps full ROM)
80, 90, 100, 110, 120
Lactic acid bonanza. Perfect for hypertrophy.

Seated hamstring curls

Good day, didn't really have time for core work cause i was gassed and wanted to go eat. And some pics, for all you HIPPIE MFs.

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