Friday 19 July 2013

19/7/13 Upper Body

Warm up: Rotator cuff stuff, Face pulls 30*3*16

Incline bench
Superset with:
Pull ups
Kind of a PR on the incline bench. Starting to feel good. 

Klokov bradford press
Superset with:
Lat pulldown (plate weighted unilateral lp machine)
40(per side)*5*10
As previously stated, one rep on these presses has the bar moving over the head twice. So it was more like 10 reps? Really hits the delts. Felt them after the session despite not doing any isolated delt work

Decline dumbbell bench
Superset with:
Pendlay rows
Dem declines strangely made my right shoulder feel weird. Hmm.

Chest press(plate weighted unilateral cp machine)
32.5(per side)*5*10
Superset with:
Machine rows
Felt my rear delts on the rows. Interesting. Guess i must be doing something right? haha

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