Friday 16 November 2012

14 & 16/11

sup niggas. been real busy with course work. stupid project made me lose 1.5 nights of sleep and skip two training sessions. Here's a render of the model i've been busy making and drawing mwahaha.

So anyway, was supposed to dl on monday, stayed in school to work on shit instead, through the night (sigh), went home and slept on tues morning at 12pm, woke up at 4pm. Couldn't train on tues since it was a pub hol, did some work, slept at 6.30am on wed morning, woke up at 12pm, trained at 6, went to school and rushed my shit all the way till my crit session at 1pm on thursday. Really proud that i didn't skip wednesday's session and didn't let lack of sleep (both prior and what was to come) make me a lil' bish. So without further ado...


Superset with:
Pull ups

Incline press
Superset with:
Lat pulldowns
45x20, 52.5x20, 60x16, 66x12, 72x14

Cable lateral raises

okay session, was feeling quite weak at the start, but body sort of woke up as the session progressed haha. can't seem to break through the 67.5x7 barrier. should be able to hit 8 regardless of whether its the last set or first set. man... Did some face pulls while waiting for incline bench. alot of body english, but hey, are you a lawyer? no? THEN GET OFF MY CASE. 


135x3, 140x2, 145x1
140x3, 145x2, 150x1
145x3, 150x2, 155x1
Superset with:
Pull ups 
Face pulls
50-90(worked through the stack)x12

Superset with:
Pendley rows

Incline Press
Dumbbell incline press
30x8, 20x8 dropsetx2
Above 4 sets superset with:
Seated cable rows with variable grip (two handles connected by long chain)

Lateral raises

Seated leg raise

Slept for 13 hrs after crit, so felt alive as ever in the gym yay. Squat felt good, but i did stall on the way up with 155, for like 3 seconds. regardless, got it up (thats what she said). Bench felt good too, realised that i'm destined to bench with a narrower grip than average, lets me use my not-too-shabby lats haha. Tried something new with the cable rows, shall take a video the next time i do it. basically two chains connected to the cable machine thingy, both of which are connected to a handle. felt reaaaaaally good, could isolate the lats to a greater extent than an attachment that fixed the grip. this vet told me to do some dumbbell incline presses instead of sticking to the barbell. also commented that my delts weren't big enough (damn you clavicles), so told me to end my pressing days (both bench and shoulder press)with some light lateral raises. Shall try that. He did comment that my quads were pretty damn swole though, so hurrah! haha. 

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