Thursday 1 November 2012

my back is more fried than your zinger patty


Squat(smolov jr)
Superset with:
Pull ups(for spinal decompression. or smth)

Snatch-grip Deads
Superset with:
Leg raises

Cable crunch(dat new variation)
68x8, 8, 10, 6
Superset with:
Reverse hypers

Inclined Leg raise

tired as hell

Hai guise. You might notice (or not, I don't care) that i removed leg extensions and hamstring curls. I removed the former because I realise that my quads are already pretty okay, and get enough attention from all that squatting. I'll still do hamstring curls, but didn't have time today.

Bar felt really heavy today. And my left ankle (more of achilles tendon) is feeling pretty damn sore for reasons unknown. But did I become a lil' bish? Hellz to the no! Haha. Seriously though, attempting to rep out after 10 sets of that shit, fuuuuuu. Was tipping forward on 5th rep, thus left heel left floor for awhile and rep wasn't that deep. (see i dont just take videos to mire my own ass.)

 Deadlifts felt good, the snatch grip kills my fingers though. Have a new callous developing on my fourth fingers. Next session onwards, will be lowering weight for deads and switching to snatch grip deads on block (meaning i'm on the block. not the weight). Will gradually increase weight for that shit until I'm done with smolov jr for squat. Then will run 5 3 1 for squat and dead.

After watching swole manlet matt ogus' vid on ab exercises I decided to try this new variation:


I might have no abs, but I'd like to think my core is pretty okay from all that squatting without a belt, and boy does this shit hit my abs. Like a sledgehammer across the windscreen of your dad's car. Like hurricane sandy hit the East Coast (too soon? i'm sorry. I pray for the safety and wellbeing of all affected. I have family members there too okay so DON'T START FLAMIN'). Think it's got something to do with all that Time Under Tension science (or broscience). Do yourself a favour and TRY IT. 

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