Friday 2 November 2012

mo volume, mo gainz

Shoulder Press
Superset with:
Wide neutral grip pullups

Behind neck press
Incline press
Arnold press
Above 6 sets superset with:
Wide, Normal, Narrow grip pull ups
8 reps per set

Rear delt lateral raise dropset
12.5x16, 10x16, 6x16
3 sets
Superset with:
Lat pulldowns

Delt rotations 
2 sets per direction(clockwise and anti-clockwise)
Superset with:
Stiff-arm Pulldowns


Whats happening homos. You know who it is (lol. if you didn't think "chris jones" then you should shoot your left testicle for not watching one of the funniest BBCs on youtube). Shoulder press today felt quite good, just that elbow abit funky from all that volume. But I'll live. One thing i'd like to say is how doing pull ups or any pulling work intermitten with pressing/pushing work really increases your work capacity for any training session. Without even planning to, I hit a total of 120 pull ups. I believe this kind of superset (where you hit the antagonist muscle/muscle group) is what helps me keep relatively lean (cardio? ain't nobody got time for that). 

Regarding that delt rotation thing (calm your confused tits i'm getting to that shit), i wanted to try increasing time under tension for my delts without breaking too much of a sweat (cause i'm a lazy cunt), so i took some light dumbbells, held them straight out to the side, and drew circles with them. Gave me a pretty solid burn, so i'd recommend you try this shit as a burnout set after your shoulder workout. 

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