Thursday 3 January 2013



Hamstring curls

Core superset
Hanging leg raises, cable crunch (with that TUT shit), v crunches
4 sets

So the squats totally fried my legs today. Legs felt so tired haha. But somehow when i unracked the weight everything felt better. Hard to explain. Focused on getting a super huge breath of air before every rep. Found that it helps ALOT in maintaining form, confidently hitting the bottom and getting out of it stably. Wanted to save time on the core stuff, so i tried what i saw on Twain's blog and supersetted ma shit. Killer stuff. I also found that hamstring curls help my knees after heavy squatting. No idea how or why though haha.

Pretty happy with this month's progress on squats. Disclaimer: i have no idea why i'm doing what i'm doing for them, it just feels good and i'm getting results. Recently i've been playing with some low rep sets, so my next few sessions will look like this:

(Since today was 7x3,) 
Archi trip to malacca, 

As you can see, there's some sort of pattern to it, basically 5x5, 6x4, 7x3, 7x2, and repeat. After that last 150x7x2, i think i'll bump all weights up by 2.5kg and see how things go. Looking back on things,  27/11/12 was the day i decided to squat atg all the way, and i only managed 140x3x3 then. This month has been a really fruitful training month for me indeed, wonder how much i can accomplish during the three month long summer break mwahaha. gotta survive another sem before that though. SIGH. 

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